Global energy renovation - Building C47 of the Airborn Museum

Building C47
The Airborne Museum at Sainte Mère L'église, the first town liberated in France on the night of June 05-06, 1944 by the American paratroopers, has two historic buildings with composite roofs: the WACO building date back to 1964 and the C-47 building date back to 1983.
Building C47 contains an aircraft which participated in the landing operations and a unique collection of objects and vehicles from the Second World War.
The composite roof (monolithic polyester / fiberglass) with double curvature of building C47 recalls the shape of the parachutes, in tribute to the soldiers who landed at Sainte Mère l'Eglise in 1944. Despite its almost 40 years, its state of conservation is very good, but an overall energy renovation of the building had become necessary. The thermal insulation of the roof will be done from the outside and will require the manufacture of a new composite roof respecting the shapes of this building.
We are very proud to have been selected for the project management with Atelier Voisin Architect and ECIE fluid design office in Fougères.
It is a complete mission of design, description of the works, choice of the companies and follow-up of execution until its delivery.
MECA is the technical referent engineering consultancy for the metal structure, composite roofing and facades.