Mechanical Analysis, Expertise and Calculation - Méca


The composite blade ready for the JEC world

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A turbine composite blade for the JEC world show in Paris

The turbine composite blade which will be exposed at the fair JECworld in Paris is ready to go in the workshop of our partner Loiretech.

Meca is developing  with its partners IRT Jules VerneEurope TechnologiesHydroceanLoiretechMultiplastOmega SystèmesSocomore et Pinette Emidecau Industries, a series manufacturing automated process, at low-cost and high rate, of turbine composite blade. This innovative technology will permit to meet the market demands.

Come to see our team during the JEC World on booths R60 and R62 Hall 6 - EMC2.


Turbine composite blade

Turbine composite blade

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