Mechanical Analysis, Expertise and Calculation - Méca

Main duties

Thanks to a long experience, Fluide-Meca is an expert in several industry sectors.

Fluide-Meca performs mainly three types of interventions :

 1 - Diagnostics and Testing

We offer senior experience to conduct experimental studies coupled with analytical calculations or CFD on hydraulic components or devices to improve their performances, in partnership with recognized laboratories or technical centers. These tests lead to improve characteristics of valves and fittings in compressible fluid or complex incompressible flow (two-phase flow, fluid flow in complex rheology, flow of cryogenic fluids).

Visualisation des écoulements entre le clapet et la buse d'une soupape de sureté

Visualization of flow downstream a nozzle of a safety valve (by courtesy of Von Karman Institute and CETIM)

 2 - Expertises

We provide expertise ofabnormal functionordisorders associated withthe use ofhydraulic devices orsafety valvesis one of themain axe of ourdevelopment.Theseassessmentsare based on theon-site diagnosisand historyin the operation ofthese machinesas well as areassessment ofactual operating conditions.

pompe marine

Erosion due to cavitation in a marine pump

3 - Design and development of innovative products or services

We offer years of industry knowledge and extensive technical expertise in design and develop of innovative products or services coupled with activesurvey in the field of pumps, valves and power transmissions allow us to be aware of the latest advances in these areas.


Details of a pneumatic circuit (by courtesy of Parker-Legris)